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Alcea rosea, mixed NCG 005 Alcea rosea, mixed
Hollyhock, single

I am offering here not only mixed-colour seeds but a selection of packets containing seed collected from individual plants that I thought particularly pretty, but they cannot be guaranteed to come true. (NOTE: Seeds from black hollyhock are listed separately.)

Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very popular cottage…

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Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids NCG 610 Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids
Peruvian lily

Flowers in a range of colours, from white through warm yellows, oranges and reds to shades of pink, on strong, straight stems with glossy foliage. Prefers soil that is not too limey.

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Antirrhinum majus, mixed NCG 008 Antirrhinum majus, mixed
Snapdragon, mixed

Although usually perennial, antirrhinums are generally treated as annuals. This is a mixture in many colours and heights, from medium-sized to dwarf (usually distinguishable early in their lives by small leaves, and tending to a trailing habit, making them a useful in hanging baskets). A children's favourite! NOTE: Separate colours…

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Aquilegia vulgaris Ex. var. stellata 'Nora Barlow' NCG 009 Aquilegia vulgaris Ex. var. stellata 'Nora Barlow'
Columbine, Granny's Bonnet, 'Nora Barlow'

This dainty aquilegia has double, spurless blooms in muted shades of pink, green. Not much more to say other than that it is my favourite aquilegia and is quite delightful! Since other aquilegia are grown in the garden there is the possibility of cross-pollination, but in my experience these seeds…

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Aquilegia vulgaris, various NCG 298 Aquilegia vulgaris, various
Granny's bonnet, various

A mixture of single, double and ruffled plants or seeds in a variety of colours - dark-purple, blue, white and pink. I'm also offering packets containing seeds from specific plants, but there may be some cross-pollination.

Note: Plants, when offered, may be bare-rooted, depending on season.

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Dahlia variabilis mixed NCG 604 Dahlia variabilis mixed
Dahlia, mixed

These seeds were collected from double varieties of dahlia in a lovely range of colours, from pale yellow through pinks and oranges to dark reds, all serving to brighten up the late summer and early autumn garden and also wonderful for flower arrangements.

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Digitalis purpurea NCG 447 Digitalis purpurea

This, the original, wild form of the traditional cottage garden biennial plant, will be familiar to all, with its tall spires of blooms in a variety of pink shades above rosettes of large, mid-green leaves. The flowers are much loved by pollinating insects, especially bumble bees.

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Geranium phaeum, various NCG 507 Geranium phaeum, various
Dusky cranesbill

Although a British native, Geranium phaeum is perhaps more commonly seen as a cultivated garden plant, particularly in colours singled out as particularly attractive. These appear in Spring and range from deepest-purple to near-white. The lobed or divided foliage varies in colour too, from mid to dark green, often with…

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Gladiolus x hortulanus, mixed NCG 530 Gladiolus x hortulanus, mixed
Gladioli, mixed

The seeds offered are from a variety of gladiolus, but all were special... some multi-coloured, as ilustrated, and some plain, sometimes with a white streak, in delicious colours ranging from clear lilac through to deepest maroon - almost black. The flowers will have cross-pollinated, so seed will not come true…

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Lathyrus cirrhosus NCG 387 Lathyrus cirrhosus
Cirrhose vetch

A collector's item! This very unusual small but robust, scrambling perennial sweet pea is native to the Pyrenees and forms a dense mound of attractive, grey-green foliage bearing tendrils and many small, pale-pink, unscented blooms from June well into summer. A deceptively robust plant that will do well in relatively…

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Lathyrus odoratus NCG 030 Lathyrus odoratus
Mixed Sweet Pea

This mixture of sweet peas in pink, red, blue, mauve and maybe occasionally pale yellow (lathyrus chloranthus). Something of a Jamboree bag, but will no doubt produce some attractive plants and all will complement each other!

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Lathyrus odoratus mixed NCG 383 Lathyrus odoratus mixed

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